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His Plans

Writer: M.M.

Genesis 50:20

You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.

Jeremiah 29:11

"For I Know the plans I have towards you”, declares the LORD, “plans of good and not of evil to give you future and a hope

Proverbs 19:21

Many are the plans in a man’s heart, but it is the LORD’s purpose that prevails.

You see, there is a part of me that is a planner. When I was 17, I planned my life. I wanted to adopt 2 children, send them to college and watch them blossom, be a boss lady by owning my own Fortune 500 hundred, and just live my happily ever after by traveling to foreign lands and experiencing life.

Someway somehow, I later learned that there were others that would be a part of my life that had their own plans for or towards me. They came in as friends and left as enemies, or they came in on the surface with a said desire to get to know me, when ultimately, they wanted to destroy myself worth. Maybe it was when life came as a desire to produce a little girl, only to leave with a diagnosis of barrenness from the doctor.

Did their leaving hurt? Yes. Did my leaving them hurt? Why yes, yes it did. Does seeing children whether healthy or mistreated hurt? Yes. Does not hearing his voice or talking to him hurt? Again, yes. Yes, it all hurts. It all still bring tears. It all still bring pains-both emotional and physical……BUT GOD

A light came on….a glimmer of hope has come through from the text. I know it comes from me, but sit and think about it for a moment…

The diagnosis had plans to come in to flood my mind and heart to tell me that I was barren. Asking me what good can come out of Nazareth/me? God has come to say that you may not be able to physically produce, but your mouth will produce miracles. The bible does say that Life and death is in the power of your tongue- there is spiritual fruit that will be multiplied through and in me. He came in to destroy me, hunted me like a predator…and when he left, he almost took with him my mind and worth, leaving me barely believing that I am worth fighting for myself, leaving me on the edge of apostacy…GOD came in to say that You are fearfully and wonderfully made. God stepped in a whispered to me, Good Morning, Mighty


This is merely a smidge of research, but here goes….there are words that caught and demands my attention… words that trumpet from Jeremiah 29:11, and those words simply are…… “declares the LORD”. The word declares means to state emphatically or affirm. God HIMSelf affirmed to HIMSELF that HE and only HE knew the plans that he has for us. There is no devil no hell or one that walks upon the earth that can change HIS plans for me; however, it does not stop them from trying. The last I read, my SWORD tells me that the weapon may form, but it will not prosper. The weapon’s chief design target will not be accomplished, but God’s WORD will. My love letter tells me that NO WORD OF GOD WILL FAIL, that it will accomplish what HE spoke- and this word tells me this, GOD has affirmed with and to HIMSELF

1. That he has plans for me

2. Only he knows the plans he has for me

3. And that the plans he has for me, are good and not of evil to give me a future and a hope- a hope that is anchored in my Savior….

So, I close with this…not only did others had plans for me, as well as there are those who have other plans for you, but there were those that had other plans for Jesus. If you recall, it was Judas who planned and did give him over. It was the disciples who wanted to make plans for him not to leave. It was the Pharisees who had plan after plan to kill Jesus before his time. When his appointed time came, according to God’s plan, it was for the saving of many lives. So, rest assured my sister in this one thing…Many are the plans in a man’s heart, but it is the plans of GOD that prevail.



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